Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Larry Coryell Special (part 2) (Toppyjazz 480)

Larry Coryell (April 2, 1943, Galveston- February 19, 2017-New York)
Once again one of our friends is gone. Larry Coryell died February 19, 2017 in New York. We met Larry in September 2004 in het Bimhuis in Amsterdam, Holland.

(Picture @Herman van der Meij-2004) We got more than 130 albums from Larry, and we pick the best of it for this Memorial program.
Playlist :
01 - Green Moss - Chico O'Farrell (album Nine Flags)
02 - Twin House - Philip Catherine & Larry Coryell (album Twin House)
03 - How My Heart Sings - Emily Remler & Larry Coryell (album Together)
04 - Star Eyes - Larry Coryell (album Monk, Trane , Miles and Me)
05 - Passion - Larry Coryell & Hariprasa Chaurasia (album Music Without Bounderies)
06 - Summer - Alegro - Larry Coryell & Kazuhizo Yamahita (album Vivaldi- Four Seasons)
07 - Immer Geradeaus - Larry Coryell (album Tricycles)
08 - The Last Drop - Larry Coryell with The Wide Hive Players (album LC with The Wide Hive)
09 - Spiritual Dance Larry Coryell & Dr. L. Subramaniam (album Standing Ovation)
 Download : Toppyjazz 480

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