Wednesday, June 7, 2017

June Jazz 2017 (Toppyjazz 485)

This week we travel across Europe.
We start with the German band Jazzkantine (1994) from Ole Sander, Matthias Lanzer and Christian Eitner.
From Norway comes pianist Ketil Bjornstadt (1952, Oslo, Norway). We pick the best out of 40 cd's.
We close with 2 singers with the name Marilyn Scott. Fisrt Marilyn Scott from California, 1949.
She worked with The YSellowjackets and Bobby Womack.
Our closing tune is for bluessinger Marilyn Scott (19??) with I Got What My Daddy Likes!

Playlist :
01 - Die Jazzkantine - Jazzkantine (album Jazzkantine)
02 - Respect - Jazzkantine (album Frish gepresst und Live)
03 - Krankenhaus - Jazzkantine (album Geheimrecept)
04 - Benutz mich - Jazzkantine & HR Big Band (album Futter für die Seele)
05 - Tone L. - Ketil Bjornstadt (album Apning)
06 - Riverscape - Ketil Bjornstadt (album Water Stories)
07 - By The Fjord - Ketil Bjornstadt & Terje Rypdal (album Life in Leipzig)
08 - Let's Be Friends - Marilyn Scott (album Dreams of Tomorrow)
09 - Show Me Your Devotion - Marilyn Scott& Bobby Caldwell (album Timeline)
10 - Take Me With You - Marilyn Scott (album Take Me With You)
11 - Avenda del sol - Marilyn Scott (album Avenues of Love)
12 - Blue Prelude - Marilyn Scott (album Standard Blue)
13 - I Got What My Daddy Likes - Marilyn Scott (blues singer) (album East Coast Blues)
Download:Toppyjazz 485

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